I am thrilled to be making connections with a few folks who have something to offer in collaboration with a vision to support caregivers and Healing Outdoors. I will be posting updates as soon as any can be made public on this blog.
One family caregiver I hope will share her story for my book told me this week she "talked to the trees" during and after her child's hospitalization. She thought no one would understand or think her crazy. Well I do understand and do not think her crazy! : )
One family caregiver I hope will share her story for my book told me this week she "talked to the trees" during and after her child's hospitalization. She thought no one would understand or think her crazy. Well I do understand and do not think her crazy! : )
For your viewing pleasure, here are a few slide shows on themes "In the Green," "Tree Yoga," "Beach Geometry," and "Two Evening Skies" from my week taken in South Whidbey State Park, Sea Wall Park and Langley, Washington. I continue to photograph and connect with nature in order to heal myself from my paid job (true!) and to share with you all inspiration for your own nature connections. Peace!