To that end, I am sharing my holiday gifts to myself paid for by my hand knits to further my education and answer the call heard in my heart. All but one here are some of the required readings for the Nature Therapy Certificate program I intend to enter May 2015, all dependent on a miracle of cash flow that is as yet uncertain. I have been introduced in the past to many of these books but have read none thoroughly.
Books of wisdom words are a classroom in themselves that augment experiential learning every time I head out the door and into the fern-laden woods under the clouds and watch great blue herons stretch out above me.
2015 is bound to be a great adventure. I resolve to leave behind my fears:
- making terrible mistakes
- surrendering to support from and collaboration with partners
- stumbling into leadership
My 2014 Great Education
My Own First Publishing Adventure 2014!
1) If you are going to self-publish something that earns you $0.11 per copy, you might as well invest in software to give it away for free as an eBook and then create a workshop around it. Pondering development of a 2015 workshop for school age children and children of all ages using the activities in "Naturography".
2) Paginating in Word 2007 or any MS Word for publication is a bear! I cannot understand how this system was created. This YouTube tutorial helps:
MS Word 2007 Page Numbering, Sections